Monday, May 31, 2010

June Edition

Well, the first three day weekend of the year is in the books. I hope you enjoyed yours, I know Karli did.

June Birthdays:

Aunt Inie--6/3

Debera Gambles--6/3

Clarice Lansbery--6/4

Casey Negreiff--6/9

Dona Heck--6/11

Jerri Bour--6/18

Tom Smock--6/19

Don Heck--6/22

Carol Hardisty--6/24

Julie Wright--29

In case you were wondering, June is the leader with nine birthdays.

From the Lansbery/Sankey Recipes comes excerpts from--"Hints On Eggs."

1) To keep eggs fresh over a period of time, dip them in liquid fat. (I'm sure we all have plenty of that on hand.) This preserves them indefinitely for it fills the pores and excludes air. (You'll achieve the same result if you go ahead a just drink the liquid fat.)

2) Because eggs are porous they should not be placed in the refrigerator to close to fish, cheese or onions as they will aqcuire an unpleasant taste. (Also, don't let Bruce anywhere near them if he's sprayed himself with Brut.)

6) An egg seperates better when it's cold, but it beats better at room temperature. (But if you get a couple of drinks in them they'll do almost anything!)

18) For a perfect omelete beat the yolks and whites seperately, (Before they have a chance to get their stories straight.) Reunite them and proceed with any omelete recipe (After they've had a chance to catch up.)

21) Sprinkle broken egg shells over the soil of potted plants. The lime in the shells sweetens the soil, (But who eats soil sweet or otherwise?) Or, after boiling eggs cool water and pour over plants. (If your spouse won't get out of bed don't wait for the water to cool, just dump and run!)

22) If you're having trouble beating your eggs stiff you can always give the folks in Yuma a call . .

Stay tuned for the July edition of Lansbery/Sankey Recipes for excerpts from-- "Hot, Brown, and Plenty Of It!"

Ironman watch:

Here are some training figures for those of you who are interested:

April Swim=7250 yards, May Swim=11,500 yards (mostly open water.)

April Bike=153 miles, May Bike=285.25 miles (mostly hills, I hate hills.)

April Run=46.75 miles, May Run=64 miles

That's it for June, see you next month.